LabVIEW Toast Simulator

I wrote 'Toaster for LabVIEW' in my free time, back when I had just started full-time work.

You see, I was eating my breakfast at work, but we didn't have a toaster so it was breakfast sandwiches for me. Sad violin time. At least I could open up my LabVIEW Toast Simulator and imagine I was eating toast...

The sourcecode can be found on Github. I neatened it up more recently because I couldn't bear to upload something that I wrote a year ago. (Two words: square icons). After another year has passed, I'm hoping that I will look at the neater version again and cringe slightly which will show that I've learnt things.

Below is a video of the original version (link). I've removed the 'on' button since then, to better match my toaster at home. Enjoy!
